Vacuum absorb vehicle

Details of vacuum absorb vehicle

Vacuum machine is designed for vacuum collection, transportation and discharge of liquid waste, which do not contain explosive and combustible liquids. Special equipment of a vacuum machine consists of a tank, a vacuum pump with a drive, a warning and warning device, a receiving hatch with a suction hose, control cranes with a pipeline, an additional electrical equipment. The filling of the tank is carried out under the action of a vacuum created by a vacuum pump, emptying the tank self-lubricated or under pressure from the air pump from the vacuum pump.

technical characteristics of the cesspool machines

Indicator name Indicator value
Tank capacity 3,7-17 m.cub
Performance of the vacuum pump 240-360 m.cub/hour
Largest amount of rarefaction created by the vacuum pump not less 0,08 MPa
Maximum suction depth not less 4,5 m
Filling speed of the tank 5-15 min.
Speed of drainage of the tank by gravity not less 35 m.cub/hour
Requirements for the car chassis
Gross vehicle weight at least 8 t.
Axles 4х2, 4х4, 6х2, 6х4, 6х6
Mounting frame length not less 3300 mm
Engine power not less 130 HP


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